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Prime Focus delivered about 1800 VFX Shots for 2010 block buster film ‘Ayirathil Oruvan’
2010s's block buster film ‘Ayirathil Oruvan’, Prime Focus Ltd, Chennai, delivered about 1800 VFX shots, which were all creative and challenging in nature. Selva Raghavan, the Director of the movie was very particular about the outcome of CG & realism. As his story featured 80% of VFX in the movie. In the pre-production stage we did around 2000 story board and concept sketches, and visualized the director’s imagination. Prime Focus delivered about 1800 VFX Shots; Prepared 2000 story board and concept sketches for visualizationOnce it got approved we went on to shoot. The director gave us full freedom and listened to all our needs on the sets. That helped us succeed in our final output. Mr. Senthil Kumar was the VFX Supervisor and S. Bejoy Arputharaj was the Project Lead and Technical Supervisor.



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