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Interview with Navin Kumar - CHALK Best Ad Film at Animday Awards
Posted By : Mukesh Dube At 11/4/2014 1:07:29 AM
Tags : Best Ad Film at Animday Awards
Tell us a little about your background?
Navin Kumar : Well to tell about me, I am from Bangalore, completed my engineering in computer science (as every other Indian student). Never interested to work from morning 9 to evening 6. I had, have and will continue to have Passion about cinema, want to become a film maker, tell stories to people and convey message through them.
What was the Idea behind CHALK?
Navin Kumar : The Idea itself was “CHALK”. We wanted it to reach people and touch the deepest part of heart and stay there forever, so that their brains react to it and they come ahead with the term “adoption” and abolish the term “orphan”
What are the challenges you have faced during CHALK?
Navin Kumar : The boy was very good in his acting but the climax of the movie the boy refused to lay on the floor, he felt the floor is dirty and he cannot do that, the climax part I am lying on the floor far adjacent to him and talking to him, and also have to mention rain stopped our shooting for nearly 2 hours.
What inspire you for your CHALK creation?
Navin Kumar : Years back I came across a photograph which was taken during the Iraq war. After researching a little on the same I found many needed an unconditional love which most of them don’t realize. Wanted people to know many kids in this universe really urge for that love.
Please share something about that cute little child artist?
Navin Kumar : When I was busy searching for a cast, one of my friend (Sendil) came up with this boy (Rudranksh Sharma). Its never easy to make a child act, but this boy was outstanding, he did everything we told him to. He was never tired, he used to wait for the word “action” and “cut”. And still he doesn’t know that he has given a movie which is making the world cry. Have to mention he has earned many girl fans !!

How do u feel being a Best Ad Film at Animday Awards2014 ? What does this award mean to you?
Navin Kumar : It means a lot, recognition is the reflection of respect, Animday award has respected our work and we are really great full to animday awards from bottom of our hearts.
What does “being creative” mean to you?
Navin Kumar : Defining something that doesn’t have a definition at all is “being creative”
What is your source of inspiration that is not art/design?
Navin Kumar : Your life’s flashback is the source
What are you most proud of?
Navin Kumar : I am proud of my MOTHER

If you could collaborate with anyone in this world, dead or alive, who would it be?
Navin Kumar : Christopher Nolan
Are you involved in any upcoming shows or events? Where and when?
Navin Kumar : For now the movie CHALK is been getting screened in many film festivals across India.
What did you want to be when you grew up, and are you surprised where you ended up?
Navin Kumar : Well to answer about this question, when I was in my primary school I always wanted to become a train driver. I wanted to be a film maker from the days of Rajinikanth and Amitabh bachchan’s movies.
What advise can you give to ad filmmakers who are just beginning?
Navin Kumar : I just wanted to tell them “You guys are not beginners”
Is there anything else you would like to share with our viewers.
Navin Kumar : Yes, When I was in class 8, me and my friend (Associate Director- Abhishek) used to sit and discuss about the script, he wants to be an actor and me behind the camera. We both started our journey together in train called passion, then we found the other passionate people who formed the crew. I want to mention my crew (Sendil, Karthik, Bhupinder singh raina and Nirmal). Without these 5 people CHALK would have been hidden forever on the pages of my script book. Bhupinder was one of the engine who took us forward, he is a masterpiece of film rules!!!
I want to end my conversation here by thanking Animday awards and Mr. Mukesh Dube for giving us this recognition.
Jai hind !!!
Thank you Navin Kumar for sharing your experiences with us and all the very best for your future endeavors.
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