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Posted By : Mukesh Dube At 15-06-2014 23:26:36
5-Steps to a promising Animation Career
Skill, Scale and Speed is the buzz-phrase in the economy to leap-frog into the future. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much-hyped announcement is fast getting translated into reality, with Prakash Javadekar, the Minister for Information & Broadcasting, announcing an Indian Animation Channel, smiles across the Animation Industry in India are becoming broader with each passing moment. And why not, the promise of this industry leverages on a huge potential to be tapped in the US $ 1.5 billion animation market worldwide.
The first ever National Anim-é-Olympiad was announced by the Society for Animation in Delhi (SAID) last week. Subhash Sidhhu, President of SAID, informed that the Olympiad is a first-of-its-kind test of knowledge, passion, creativity and ability in animation and related arts – put together in a 5-phase run-up to the final reward.

The 5-phase process starts with an on-line test in animation as an elimination round, followed by a mentor-guided animation film-making contest that ends at the third phase with the live quiz contest at the AGAFA 2014 at New Delhi – SAID’s Annual Graphics and Animation Film Awards. The first three phases will be held in the current year itself. The fourth phase is a professional-residential Certificate Programme of about 6 months’ duration, on full scholarship basis. This phase is the CREAM of the event – enabling participants to be industry-ready, identify market opportunities in the field of animation, set up their own studio / production facility, adopt a variety of open source software for 2D and 3D animation, marketing included. In the fifth and final phase the participant has to demonstrate the talent acquired through the certificate programme – an animation film produced to compete at next year’s AGAFA, and showcased for the market.
Subhash Siddhu also emphasized that SAID is not targeting to be another “training center” but to bring about real quality production with this programme, through its appointed and supported Centers of Excellence. Those seeking animation as a vocation beyond the 12th standard of schooling would be ideal to participate in this Olympiad. Young enthusiasts willing to join in this initiative will need to register on-line as participants at “www.said.org.in/olympiad”, and SAID will get in touch with them.
SAID is a non-profit body of voluntary and independent animators and related artists, registered under the Societies’ Registration Act, 1860, which aims to put original and creative production of animation and related arts in a perspective that provides the widest possible exposure to artists’ creations at the local, regional, national and global arenas, take cartoons beyond kids, and seek mature audiences for animation, by bringing together all stakeholders in the industry on a common platform in organizing the industry in India.
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