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Posted By : Mukesh Dube At 22-01-2015 10:15:08
Design Talent has enteredits second half and shortlytheopportunity to submitworkswillbegone. Studentsof design havetheopportunity to sendtheirtheirworks in thefivefollowingcategories - product design, industrial design, fashion design, interior design and public space, and finallygraphic design until 31. 1. 2015
Meeting ofthe expert jury willfollow, membersofthe jury willbeforexample Ladislav Skoda, chief designer ofTescoma and winneroftheReddotaward, Radek Hegmon, designer fromthecompanymmCité, or Libor Jelinek, creativedirectorof Dynamo Design. These gentlemenwillbeaccompanied by another 8 professionals and theywillhavetimeuntilthe gala eveningthatwilltake place in Zlin on 24 April, 2015, to choosewinners in eachcategory. Thewinnerswillreceive 1000 EUR and anopportunity to go on aninternship to oneoftheleading design companies. Oneofthenewsthisyearisthatthemainwinnerwill not onlygetthetitle Design Talent 2014 and 4000 EUR, but he willbechosenduringthe gala evening.
And whatdoesthe last year’swinnersayabout Design Talent?
In 2014 thetitle Design Talent 2013 and thetrophywasawarded to Maria Nina Vaclavikova, student of Design shoes and fashionaccessoriesatthe University ofWest Bohemia in Pilsen. Shewonwith her work “Rectangle”, ladiesshoesinspired by prehistoric technology, whenpeoplewrappedtheirlegswithstillwarm animal skin, whichthenhardened and tookshapeoftheirfeet.
To thequestionhow Design Talent competitionchanged her life Maria replies: “Not onlyyouget a financialreward, but youmainlygettheprofessional public awareness, yourworkcanbeseen and that, ofcourse, bringsinterestingoffers.”
Shealsoaddsspecificpointsthathavemoved her career as a designer forward: “Interestingarticleswerepublished on dezeen.com and dailymail.co.uk and the Metropolitan Museum in New York noticed my shoes and theyrequiredthem to their permanent collections. Thatiswhat I was happy aboutthe most.”
And whatdoesthe last year’swinnerrecommend to thosecompetingfor Design Talent 2014 title? “Beyourself and do not beafraid to experiment!”
So do not forget - youcansubmityourworksonlyuntil 31. 1. 2015
on www.talentdesignu.cz and youwillalsofindalltheimportantinformationthere.
Design Talent is a competitionforyoungdesigners, whocansubmittheirworks in oneofthefivecategories. Thecompetitionisorganized by studentsoftheFacultyofMultimedia Communications at Tomas Bata University in Zlin and thecompetitionorganizeris JUDr. Martin Ruzicka’sfoundation.
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