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Short film to create awareness about RTI
Posted By : Animation Galaxy At 14-01-2014 11:58:00
Tags : Right to Information (RTI) Act Chakravyuh
Right to Information (RTI) Act has been proved as a powerful tool to fight corruption across the country. Animation filmmaker Dhvani Desai has directed a short animation film, Chakravyuh (vicious circle), to create awareness about the legislation among masses.
The film shows the struggles of four different characters who spend a large part of their lives getting their problems solved through proper channels but end up getting nothing except becoming older until they use RTI. The film Chakravyuh has been produced by Films Division of India.
The film uses characters designed using newspapers from different languages depending on the places of their origin in different parts of the country.
Chakravyuh narrates tales of four ordinary citizens from four corners of India who use the RTI Act as a weapon to overcome such issues. Film is also selected for screening at 13th Mumbai International Film Festival in February 2014.
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